Artem Chernov, FRONT.
PHOTO: I am glad to present you the first publication in the wake of the September's last year
The author of this publication was the one who opened the series of portfolio reviews, the main programme of the event. Ivan, is an amateur photographer in fact, but his presentation immediately grabbed the attention of our "fancy" Russian-Bulgarian mini photo symposium.
First of all, the flow of the refugees was moving throughout the Europe, starting in the neighbouring Balkan states and this topic was always on the top of the agenda in the conversations, both with the locals and visitors. The pictures are taken by an insider, UN personnel, not journalist, and the fact that they were made in the one of the biggest refugee camps inevitably attracted attention.
Secondly, Ivan is really taking interesting pictures, what I hope you will be able to make sure yourself, our dear readers.
Since the presentation in September last year, Ivan managed to finalize other photo stories in Kakuma from his mission there as well. He has been transferred to another region where he will continue to work with refugees. Now, the refugee camps in Kenya are under threat of closure – in May 2016 Kenyan government announced that the country is no longer able to support several hundreds of thousands people, who fled from the surrounding wars throughout dozens of years.